Step into a sunlit living room where twin French doors open to a lush garden. Their panes reflect the vibrant green of the lawn and the jewel tones of the many flowers, and the pool water bounces its reflection onto the ceiling. Or...picture a cozy reading nook looking through a set of doors onto ... Continue Reading
Gift Guide for Homeowners Remodeling Their Home
Your friends just shared the good news with you…they’re renovating their home! You’re excited for them and love the updates they’re sending you with more and more selections…the outcome will be something you relish experiencing with them at the next visit!! Getting your friends a gift feels like ... Continue Reading
How to Use Plants Indoors in Interior Design
Whether your home’s interior is already eco-themed or you’re inspired by that quiet cabin in the woods, OR you just like the luxury of having greenery inside, using indoor plants as a part of your home’s interior sends positive energy to you and a BIG message to your visitors. READ: ... Continue Reading
[GALLERY] High Point Market Spring 2022: Unforgettable Finds!
Last week was a fun one—I headed to North Carolina to High Point Market, spring 2022 edition… As usual, there were MANY surprising finds and many that hit real notes with me. The scene was definitely an exciting one with SO many designers swooning over the selections... Of course, there were ... Continue Reading
Types of Tubs: How to Pick the One You’ll Love
Jump to: Maybe you’re a MUCH bigger fan of showering…but on occasion, when it’s cold out or you just want to soak…nothing beats the luxury of the perfect tub in your bathroom. You start and end every day in your’s your space of self-care. For some of us,that means a long, ... Continue Reading
Should You Remodel Your Kitchen or Bathroom First?
If you’re reading this shortly after it was published, it’s National Kitchen and Bath Month! October is the month when EVERYONE from your designer to the National Kitchen and Bath Association steps in to get the most out of these two essential rooms. It makes sense that this month is celebrated ... Continue Reading
Fastest Home Improvements with the BIGGEST Return
Kids just went back to school, and the next looming milestone are the holidays. YES, that will come faster than you think! Preparing for the holidays has started earlier and earlier each year, which means other households have already beaten you to the punch on some stuff. (Hello, Christmas ... Continue Reading
How to Choose Metal Types for Cabinet Hardware
Cabinet hardware like knobs and pulls are available in countless styles. They’re also each available in multiple metals. That matrix of options—style, metal and finish—explains why one cabinet knob can cost $1 and another can cost $30 or more! The real question is which do you choose? Is ... Continue Reading