Last week was a fun one—I headed to North Carolina to High Point Market, spring 2022 edition…
As usual, there were MANY surprising finds and many that hit real notes with me. The scene was definitely an exciting one with SO many designers swooning over the selections…
Of course, there were selections that didn’t excite me much, also…but frankly, with all the breathtaking detail and CHANGES (for better), I was totally blown away by the stuff I DID love this year!!
Keep scrolling for a look at High Point through my lens…be prepared to see some NEW tendencies, too, even if some of them are inspired by familiar favorites!!
If you aren’t sure yet what I mean, just keep on scrolling…
My favorite finds!

Gold gold gold is HOT now, and in a bigger way than I’ve ever seen!! I love this, personally…also, did you know that lamps are not even called “lamps” in the industry? They’re called “PORTABLES!!”
You learn something new every day!!
Next up…florals are BIG…yes, literally huge!! And puhleeese…DON’T say the “f” word for these silk flowers…now they’re called “permanents!!”
CUSTOM, CUSTOM, CUSTOM selections are HUGE now, too!! Painting a light fixture is also a MAJOR option that I instantly fell in love with. Add light into the customization mix…and you can even paint lamp SHADES inside AND out two different colors!!
Seriously, though…did I mention customization in lights is a BIG deal right now?!

Also…detail in general—AND in furniture specifically—is ALL OVER THE PLACE.
What unique pieces these were!!

And speaking of detail…the level of detail I saw in trims, buckles, fringe…that plus the luxury fabrics coming back, and I am a HUGE FAN of this look!!!
And detail isn’t just used indoors…look at this outdoor furniture, too!
Speaking of outdoor furniture…oh my!! Talk about total luxury…what you see inside is now going outside, including swivel chairs, loungers…the possibilities are endless.

And FINALLY, for those of you still on the gray bandwagon…that’s OK…but start bringing COLOR back into your lives!!
Colors was a MASSIVE trend at High Point…
Just had to throw this next one in…y’all KNOW I love pink!!!

And furniture as art…just LOOK at these pieces! Wow!!!
More furniture next, just because I LOVED these pieces…

And this year, Lucite was everywhere! AND I learned that when Lucite is formed and still isn’t glued or screwed together…it’s called “virgin.” Who knew?!
How about these round pillow balls, by the way?! EVERYWHERE I went there were these balls…

And TRAYS, holy cow…the were everywhere!!

LOVED the mixed materials on this table, too…stunning!

Oh…and if you’re a tequila drinker, one of my salespeople let me sample this…and WOW! Very smooth!!

Lastly, if you go to High Point and it’s NOT market time…you’ve got to stay here at Pandora’s Manor B&B…Eastern Accents bought the house and restored it, and famous designers have decorated each of the bedrooms and they are to DIE for!!! A definite must-see!!

I’ll leave some final wide-angle shots from High Point below…what did you like most?! Tell me, please!! Share with us on Facebook right away!