A kitchen should work beautifully, not just look beautiful. Think about it: your kitchen is the MOST functional room in your home. If it doesn’t match your habits, your routine, your way of moving...it doesn’t work!! Not really. It will frustrate you and slow you down and limit you in ways you ... Continue Reading
The Biggest Trends from KBIS 2025—and How to Bring Them Home
Every year, I attend KBIS (the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show). In the world of kitchen and bathroom remodeling, that convention center is where the future takes shape. KBIS is an event where the best of the best showcase their latest innovations in kitchen and bath design, and it’s an industry ... Continue Reading
Sustainability in Remodels Has Evolved from “Green” to Luxe
Why are homeowners having more conversations about sustainability in renovations these days? That depends on the homeowner, but there are three main reasons…three principal benefits of sustainability in home design…and every one of us has a priority between them. Which one of these is the most ... Continue Reading
Kitchen Renovations: Which Upgrade Is Most Important?
The other day, in my private design group and on my LinkedIn profile, I posted a question… If you had to choose between the following kitchen updates, which would you be most excited about? The options were: I was absolutely thrilled to see so many of you sharing thoughts and ... Continue Reading
[GALLERY] Kitchen Appliance Education and Demonstration at Middleby Residential
If you want to elevate your kitchen and everything you do there, you look to appliances designed to enhance your cooking experience. The thing is, what “elevates the cooking experience” differs person-to-person. When clients look to me to elevate their homes, they need me to know what ... Continue Reading
The True Function of Today’s Kitchen
The kitchen is the one part of the home that’s changed the most in the last 100 years. Transforming from a corner we cook in to the heart of where we nurture our bodies, minds, and relationships, the kitchen shapes our lifestyle in a real way. Look backward at kitchens of yesterday and then ... Continue Reading
Should You Remodel Your Kitchen or Bathroom First?
If you’re reading this shortly after it was published, it’s National Kitchen and Bath Month! October is the month when EVERYONE from your designer to the National Kitchen and Bath Association steps in to get the most out of these two essential rooms. It makes sense that this month is celebrated ... Continue Reading
How to Select Appliances for Your Kitchen Remodel
It’s true—choosing your new appliances can seem like a lot of fun after making all those other tough decisions in your kitchen remodel!! The layout…the materials…it can all cause some VERY real choice paralysis. But…fun though appliance shopping can be, don’t let all the sparkling new options get ... Continue Reading